October 18, 2022

Ask a CISO Podcast: Project Zero Trust

The old mantra that humans are the weakest link in cybersecurity should be discarded, according to George Finney. Listen in as we talk to him about why he thinks so, and why he chose to draw from sciences like psychology, neuroscience, history, and economics for his first book Well Aware. We also had George define Zero Trust and talk about his new book Project Zero Trust, which includes a foreword from John Kindervag, the “father” of Zero Trust.

Ask a CISO Podcast: Project Zero Trust

Ask a CISO Podcast: Project Zero Trust

Learn about:

👉 Drawing from the sciences for cybersecurity

👉 The research on social engineering for the book Well Aware

👉 The book that social engineers live by, and the Defenders’ playbook

👉 Key lessons from a phishing exercise

👉 How do we effect behavior change with humans?

👉 Rewards vs punishments in effecting behavioral change

👉 What is Zero Trust?

👉 Who or what is the Zero Trust strategy for?

👉 The very first step of all of Zero Trust

👉 Getting people to understand their role in Zero Trust

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/3AQWbQAVKL1y1WWX5HxDxK?si=ac066b3bf3cb41ee

Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/project-zero-trust/id1596056884?i=1000583096133

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWrGmG-kH5w