Event codes

May 25, 2023
October 21, 2024

The tables below detail all the types of events currently generated by the FireTail platform.

Each event code consists of:

  • A prefix corresponding to the resource the event pertains to.
  • A colon, used as a separator character.
  • A suffix describing a change that has occurred on that resource.

AWS Gateway

Events prefixed with AWS_API_GATEWAY_V1 or AWS_API_GATEWAY_V2 relates to the API Gateway version 1 or version 2.

Event Description
API_GATEWAYS_RENAMED Created when an API Gateway v1 or v2 is renamed in AWS.
NEW_DISCOVERED_ENDPOINTS_MISSING_ACCESS_LOGGING Created when new endpoints are discovered on an API Gateway v1 or v2 which are missing access logging.
NEW_DISCOVERED_ENDPOINTS Created when new endpoints are discovered on an API Gateway v1 or v2.
NEW_STAGES Created when new stages are discovered on an API Gateway v1 or v2.
REMOVED_DISCOVERED_ENDPOINTS_MISSING_ACCESS_LOGGING Created when endpoints missing access logging are removed from an API Gateway v1 or v2.
REMOVED_DISCOVERED_ENDPOINTS Created when endpoints are removed from an API Gateway v1 or v2.
REMOVED_STAGES Created when a stage is removed from an API Gateway v1 or v2.
STAGES_WAF_CHANGED Created when there is a WAF setting change on an AWS API Gateway V1 stage.
STAGES_DEPLOYMENTS_DESCRIPTIONS_CHANGED Created when the description of a stage is changed on an API Gateway v1 or v2.
STAGES_DEPLOYMENTS_STATUSES_CHANGED Created when the status of a stage deployment changes on an API Gateway v1 or v2.
STAGES_EXPORT_VERSIONS_CHANGED Created when the export version of a stage is changed on an API Gateway v1 or v2.
STAGES_NEW_DEPLOYMENTS Generated when a new stage is created on an API Gateway v1 or v2.
STAGES_REMOVED_DEPLOYMENTS Generated when a deployment is removed from a stage of an API Gateway v1 or v2.
TAGS_CHANGED Generated when the tags of an API Gateway v1 or v2 are changed.

AWS Lambda

Events prefixed with AWS_LAMBDA relates to AWS Lambda items in the FireTail SaaS platform.

Event Description
NEW_DISCOVERED_URLS Created when a new function URL is discovered on an AWS Lambda.
NEW_URLS_MISSING_CORS Created when a new function URL missing a CORS configuration is discovered on an AWS Lambda.
NEW_URLS_MISSING_AUTH Created when a new function URL with no Auth is discovered on an AWS Lambda.
REMOVED_DISCOVERED_URLS Created when an AWS Lambda Function URL that was previously discovered has been deleted.
REMOVED_URLS_MISSING_CORS Created when an AWS Lambda Function URL missing a CORS configuration that was previously discovered has been deleted.
REMOVED_URLS_MISSING_AUTH Created when an AWS Lambda Function URL missing an Auth configuration that was previously discovered has been deleted.
RENAMED Created when an AWS Lambda Function has been renamed since it was last scanned.
TAGS_CHANGED Created when the tags on an AWS Lambda Function have changed since it was last scanned.

AWS Lambda API

Events prefixed with AWS_LAMBDA_API relates to AWS Lambda API items in the FireTail SaaS platform.

Event Description
NEW_DISCOVERED_URLS This event is generated when new URLs are discovered in an AWS Lambda function API.
NEW_URLS_MISSING_CORS This event is generated when a function URL API missing a CORS configuration is discovered on an AWS Lambda
NEW_URLS_MISSING_AUTH This event is generated when a function API URL with no Auth is discovered in AWS Lambda.


Events prefixed with SPECIFICATION relates to specification items in the FireTail SaaS platform.

Event Description
CREATED This event is created when a new collection item is created in the Firetail SaaS platform.
DELETED This event is created when a collection item is deleted in the Firetail SaaS platform.
LATEST_VERSION_CHANGED This event is created when the latest version of a collection item in the Firetail SaaS platform is changed.
RENAMED This event is created when a collection item is renamed in the Firetail SaaS platform.

Specification version

Events prefixed with SPECIFICATION_VERSION relates to specification items in the FireTail SaaS platform.

Event Description
CREATED This event is created when a new collection version item is created in the Firetail SaaS platform.
DELETED This event is created when a collection version item is deleted in the Firetail SaaS platform.


Events prefixed with LOG_ANALYSIS relate to one or many of the logs belonging to an API.

Event Description
5XX_STATUS_CODES_HIGH This event is created when >=90% of all the logs over a given time period had a 5XX response status code.
NEW_DAILY_METRICS Created on a daily basis when log analysis is run to create a new set of log metrics.

AWS AppSync

Events prefixed with AWS_APPSYNC_API relates to AWS AppSync API items.

Event Description
AUTHENTICATION_TYPE_CHANGED This event is created when a authentication type has changed.
LOG_CONFIG_CHANGED This event is created when a log config has been changed.
NAME_CHANGED This event is created when the named has been changed.
NEW_DISCOVERED_ENDPOINTS This event is created when new endpoints have been discovered.
REMOVED_DISCOVERED_ENDPOINTS This event is created when discovered endpoints have been removed.
SCHEMA_HASH_CHANGED This event is created when the schema hash has been changed.
TAGS_CHANGED This event is created when tags have been changed.
RESOLVER_COUNT_LIMIT_CHANGED This event is created when the resolver count limit of an AWS AppSync API has been changed.
QUERY_DEPTH_LIMIT_CHANGED This event is created when the query depth limit of an AWS AppSync API has been changed.
INTROSPECTION_CONFIG_CHANGED This event is created when there is an introspection config change on the AWS AppSync API.
ADDITIONAL_AUTH_TYPES_CHANGED This event is created when there is additional Auth setting changes on the AWS AppSync API.

Incidents Policy

Events prefixed with INCIDENT_POLICY relates to Incident Policy items in the FireTail SaaS platform.

Event Description
CREATED This event is created when an incident policy is created.
DELETED This event is created when an incident policy is deleted.
RENAMED This event is created when an incident policy is renamed.
MINIMUM_SEVERITIES_CHANGED This event is created when the minimum severities of an incident policy is changed.
FREQUENCY_CHANGED This event is created when the frequency of an incident policy is changed.
PERIOD_CHANGED This event is created when the period of an incident policy is changed.


Events prefixed with INCIDENT relates to Incident items in the FireTail SaaS platform.

Event Description
CREATED This event is created when an incident is created.
CLOSED This event is created when an incident is closed.
REOPENED This event is created when an incident is reopened.


Events prefixed with API relates to API items in the FireTail SaaS platform.

Event Description
CREATED This event is created when a new API is created.
DELETED This event is created when an API is deleted.
RENAMED This event is created when an API is renamed.


Events prefixed with INTEGRATION relates to integration items in the FireTail SaaS platform.

Event Description
CREATED This event is created when a new Integration is created.
DELETED This event is created when an Integration is deleted.


Events prefixed with ALERT relates to Alert items in the FireTail SaaS platform.

Event Description
CREATED This event is created when a new Alert is created.
DELETED This event is created when an Alert is deleted.


Events prefixed with APP relates to App items in the FireTail SaaS platform.

Event Description
CREATED This event is created when a new App is created.
MODIFIED This event is created when a new App is created.
DELETED This event is created when an App is deleted.


Events prefixed with ORG relates to Organization items in the FireTail SaaS platform.

Event Description
CREATED This event is created when a new Organization is created.
DELETED This event is created when an Organization is deleted.

Deprecated events