Average execution time reduced




Rule Severity:


The average execution time during a given period was <= the mean average - one standard deviation of the preceding period.

The average execution time of the API has decreased significantly during a given period, falling below the mean average minus one standard deviation from the preceding period. While a reduction in execution time could be indicative of optimizations or improvements, it could also suggest that something is wrong, such as incomplete processing, skipped operations, or misconfigured resources. Investigating the root cause is important to ensure that the reduced execution time does not indicate a loss in functionality or compromised service quality.


Investigate what has caused the execution times of this API to decrease significantly in size.

Example Attack Scenario

A drastic reduction in execution time might not always be due to optimization. Attackers could try to exploit certain vulnerabilities in the API by manipulating the requests to bypass time-intensive processes. For instance:

  • Denial-of-Service (DoS) Attacks: An attacker might flood the API with requests designed to trigger minimal execution paths (e.g., exploiting cached data or bypassing complex validation), leading to an overall reduction in execution time. This can be part of an attack to overwhelm the server, causing legitimate requests to be processed too quickly, while potentially causing issues with data integrity or functionality.
  • Bypassing Validation: If an attacker manipulates the input to bypass validation steps or force the API to skip processing tasks, the execution time might be artificially reduced. This could cause incomplete or incorrect data to be returned to the user, resulting in a security breach or application malfunction.
  • Exploiting Resource Utilization: Attackers might try to exploit flaws in resource allocation, triggering the API to process fewer tasks or causing it to miss critical steps. This might result in faster processing times but could also expose the system to vulnerabilities, such as incorrect data being returned or skipped operations.

How to Identify with Example Scenario

How to Resolve with Example Scenario

How to Identify with Example Scenario

Find the text in bold to identify issues such as these in API specifications

How to Resolve with Example Scenario

Modify the text in bold to resolve issues such as these in API specifications

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