Server error




Rule Severity:


The server has encountered an error.

A server error indicates that the server failed to process a request due to an internal issue. These errors are typically represented by HTTP status codes in the 5xx range (e.g., 500 Internal Server Error, 502 Bad Gateway, 503 Service Unavailable). Server errors can result from misconfigurations, coding bugs, database connectivity issues, or resource constraints. Persistent or frequent server errors can degrade user experience, disrupt services, and potentially expose vulnerabilities.


Investigate the response and/or the server logs to determine the cause of the error.

Example Attack Scenario

An attacker floods the server with requests designed to exploit an unhandled edge case in the application logic. The server repeatedly encounters 500 Internal Server Errors, causing downtime for legitimate users. By failing to implement proper error handling and logging, the organization struggles to pinpoint and resolve the issue, extending the outage duration and increasing operational disruption. Implementing error resilience and proactive monitoring could mitigate such risks.

How to Identify with Example Scenario

How to Resolve with Example Scenario

How to Identify with Example Scenario

Find the text in bold to identify issues such as these in API specifications

How to Resolve with Example Scenario

Modify the text in bold to resolve issues such as these in API specifications

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