Azure API Management Service

Azure API Management Service

Capture detailed logs from your Azure API Management Service

Azure API Management Service

Setting up Azure API Management Service logging with FireTail enables you to efficiently monitor and analyze your API traffic. This integration captures detailed logs of API requests and responses, which helps with troubleshooting and maintaining compliance. By deploying this integration, all API activities are recorded and can be reviewed on the FireTail platform, providing useful insights into API performance and usage.

Key Benefits:

  • Detailed logs improve your ability to troubleshoot and analyze traffic more effectively.
  • Centralizing logs in the FireTail platform provides valuable insights into API performance and usage, helping to optimize operations and enhance efficiency.
Azure API Management Service

The integration deploys a set of resources to your Azure environment to enable logging for your API Management service. It involves selecting your existing Azure API Management service, creating an application token, and using a pre-configured template to deploy the necessary resources.

This setup includes adding specific policies to your API Management service to capture and send logs to FireTail. You can apply these policies globally or to specific APIs or operations within your service, ensuring that all relevant data is logged and available for analysis.

Azure API Management Service

To get started, select your Azure API Management Service from the FireTail platform and generate an application token.

Deploy the integration template to Azure, providing necessary details such as Resource Group, App Service Plan, and Event Hub Namespace.

After deployment, apply the provided policy to your API Management service.

For detailed instructions and support, refer to the documentation or contact support.

Azure API Management Service