Dashboard filters

July 18, 2024
August 20, 2024

Customize the dashboard display using a variety of filter options. Filter groups can be added enabling you to refine data by categories such as API resources, status codes, request paths, tags, headers, and more. Additionally, filters can be tailored by timeframes and saved for future use, providing a comprehensive approach to data management and analysis.

Add filter groups

You can filter the information displayed on the dashboard. A filter group can contain one or multiple conditions. Various options are available for filtering, such as response status codes, request path, tags, and more. Multiple filter groups can be added. 

The following filter types are available:


  • API
  • APP
  • Log Source


  • IP Address
  • Execution time
  • Path 
  • Resource Path
  • Tags
  • Method
  • URI
  • Schema
  • Domain name
  • Header
  • Path Parameter
  • Query String
  • OAuth Sub ID
  • Log ID


  • Header Size of Request and Response
  • Payload Size of Request and Response
  • Size of Request and Response
  • Request Header Size
  • Request Payload Size
  • Response Header Size
  • Response Payload Size
  • Graph QL Field Count
  • Graph QL Max Depth
  • Graph QL Total Complexity


  • Status code
  • Header

User agent

  • Browser Name
  • Browser Version
  • Device Name
  • Operating System Name 
  • Operating System Version

IP details

  • AS
  • AS Full Name
  • City
  • Continent
  • Continent Code
  • Country
  • Country Code
  • Country Currency
  • District
  • Is Hosting Provider
  • Is Proxy IP
  • Is Mobile ISP
  • Latitude
  • Longitude
  • Timezone
  • ASN Organization
  • ZIP Code

On the dashboard:

  1. Click Add Filter Group.
  2. Select the required element from the Type dropdown.
  3. Choose the appropriate Operator.
  4. Enter a Value, or select a value from the dropdown.
  5. Click Submit.

Select Include or Exclude (Include is selected by default) to determine if the requests displayed in the dashboard must include or exclude the conditions defined in the filter.

To add any further conditions to this filter, click Add condition. To add any additional filters click Add filter group and enter the values for the condition.

Edit filters

You can edit the condition within a filter, to do this:

  1. Click the condition you want to edit.
  2. Make changes to the Type, Operator and Value as required.
  3. Click Submit.

To delete a condition from a filter:

  1. Click the condition you want to delete
  2. Click Delete.
  3. Click Yes to confirm.

To delete all filter groups and conditions:

  1. Click Reset.
  2. Click Yes to confirm.

Save filters

You can save filters you create for future use. To save a filter:

1. Create the filter you want to save.

2. Click Save Filter.

3. Enter a name in the Filter name field.

4. Click Save.

To load a previously saved filter:

1. Click Load/Delete filter.

2. Select the filter you want to apply.

3. Click Load.


  • Select My Filters to only see filters you have created.
  • Click All Filters to view filters all users in the organiztaion have created.

Filter examples

Example 1: Create a filter that excludes 404 response codes on the dashboard.

  1. Click Add filter group.
  2. Select response.status.Code from the Type dropdown.
  3. Choose is not one of from the Operator dropdown.
  4. Select 404 as the Value.
  5. Click Submit.

Example 2: Create a filter to only display requests with a 200 response code but exclude any of those responses that have a request path of /health.

  1. Click Add filter group.
  2. Select response.status.Code from the Type dropdown.
  3. Choose is from the Operator dropdown.
  4. Select 200 as the Value.
  5. Click Submit.
  6. Click Add condition.
  7. Select request.path from the Type dropdown.
  8. Choose is not from the Operator dropdown.
  9. Enter /health as the Value.
  10. Click Submit.

Filter by time

The dashboard can be filtered by a timeframe selected from the Duration selector dropdown:

  • Last hour
  • Last day
  • Last month
  • Last 3 months

Select Custom and enter a Start date and an End date to filter by a specific timeframe.

The Polling interval indicates how often the page data reloads from the API, in minutes. Select the polling interval from the dropdown.