Dashboard overview

March 9, 2023
December 3, 2024

The platform’s Traffic and Risk dashboards enable organizations to monitor API activity effectively. The Traffic dashboard provides real-time insights into API requests and patterns, while the Risk Dashboard highlights API risk levels, including high-risk APIs and regions. Learn about the Risk dashboard.

Traffic dashboard

The dashboard provides an organization level overview of API requests.

Dashboard information

The information displayed in the dashboard is impacted by any filters you select. Learn more about Dashboard filters.


At the top of the dashboard, you will see the totals within the selected organization for each of the following:

  • Apps
  • APIs
  • API endpoints
  • Detected PII
  • Requests


The graph displays the aggregate of API requests grouped by apps. Hover over the graph to get a breakdown of the API requests for that time.


The map displays the API requests grouped by the top 1000 locations.

Donut chart

The donut chart in the dashboard displays the total number of API requests, grouped by status codes.

Hover over the chart to get the API request total of each status code.

Findings overview

The findings overview displays the number of findings discovered, broken down by severity. Filter by status by selecting an option from the dropdown menu. Click View findings to be directed to the Findings page on the platform. Learn more about Findings here.

Create an alert

Alerts can be created to notify you when the specified threshold has been reached. To receive an alert, first create a notification integration. Click Create Alert on the Dashboard to create a static alert. Follow the prompts to set up an alert. Learn more about how to create an alert.

Requests table

The table lists the incoming requests and their details.

  • Filter the table by Status and Method. Click the filter icon and select how your filters. Click OK to apply.
  • Sort the table by Date created. To sort by ascending, click the up arrow icon, to sort by descending, click the down arrow icon.
  • Sort the table by Execution time To sort by ascending, click the up arrow icon, to sort by descending, click the down arrow icon.

To expand on individual requests, go to the Action heading, and click View details. This displays more information about the request including the response and request body.

API Call Sequence

To view the API Call sequence, click View sequence on the request table.

The system captures the current log along with the last 10 sequences of activity, grouped by IP address. This allows you to view the most recent 10 requests from each IP address in a consolidated format. Expand the entry to view:

  • Date created
  • Source
  • IP Address
  • Host

Click See log details to access a detailed view of the log information.