FireTail supports one of the three OAuth 2 handling methods. With FireTail, the API security definition must include an x-tokenInfoFunc or set TOKENINFO_FUNC env var.
x-tokenInfoFunc must contain a reference to a function used to obtain the token info. This reference should be a string using the same syntax that is used to connect an operationId to a Python function when routing. For example, an x-tokenInfoFunc with a value of auth.verifyToken would pass the user’s token string to the function verifyToken in the module The referenced function accepts a token string as an argument and should return a dict containing a scope field that is either a space-separated list or an array of scopes belonging to the supplied token. This list of scopes will be validated against the scopes required by the API security definition to determine if the user is authorized. You can supply a custom scope validation func with x-scopeValidateFunc or set SCOPEVALIDATE_FUNC env var, otherwise, default scope validation function will be used automatically.
The recommended approach is to return a dict that complies with RFC 7662. You have to validate the active or exp fields etc. yourself.
The Token Info response will be passed in the token_info argument to the handler function. The sub property of the Token Info response will be passed in the user argument to the handler function.
Deprecated features, retained for backward compatibility:
You can find a minimal OAuth example application showing the use of x-tokenInfoUrl, and another OAuth example showing the use of x-tokenInfoFunc in FireTail’s “examples” folder.
With FireTail, the API security definition must include a x-basicInfoFunc or set BASICINFO_FUNC env var. It uses the same semantics as for x-tokenInfoFunc, but the function accepts three parameters: username, password and required_scopes.
You can find a minimal Basic Auth example application in FireTail’s “examples” folder.
With FireTail, the API security definition must include a x-apikeyInfoFunc or set APIKEYINFO_FUNC env var. It uses the same semantics as for x-basicInfoFunc, but the function accepts two parameters: apikey and required_scopes.
You can find a minimal API Key example application in FireTail’s “examples” folder.
With FireTail, the API security definition must include a x-bearerInfoFunc or set BEARERINFO_FUNC env var. It uses the same semantics as for x-tokenInfoFunc, but the function accepts one parameter: token.
You can find a minimal JWT example application in FireTail’s “examples/openapi3” folder.
With FireTail, it is also possible to combine multiple authentication schemes as described in the OpenAPI specification. When multiple authentication schemes are combined using logical AND, the token_info argument will consist of a dictionary mapping the names of the security schemes to their corresponding token_info.
Multiple OAuth2 security schemes in AND fashion are not supported.
Some production hosting environments, such as Apache with modwsgi, do not by default pass authentication headers to WSGI applications. Therefore, to allow FireTail to handle authentication, you will need to enable passthrough.
Instructions for enabling authentication passthrough in modwsgi are available as part of the modwsgi documentation.
When specifying HTTPS as the scheme in the API YAML file, all the URIs in the served Swagger UI are HTTPS endpoints. The problem: The default server that runs is a “normal” HTTP server. This means that the Swagger UI cannot be used to play with the API. What is the correct way to start a HTTPS server when using FireTail?
One way, `described by Flask`_, looks like this:
However, FireTail doesn’t provide an ssl_context parameter. This is because Flask doesn’t, either–but it uses **kwargs to send the parameters to the underlying `werkzeug`_ server.