Findings codes

August 4, 2023
February 29, 2024

The table below details the findings codes.

Finding name Finding code Description
Unauthenticated endpoints firetail:authenticated-endpoint-removed An endpoint that previously required authentication has been changed to no longer require authentication.
Numeric IDs owasp-no-numeric-ids An endpoint is using a numeric parameter for identifying resources.
Insecure auth scheme owasp-auth-insecure-schemes An endpoint has an insecure authentication scheme set.
Non-standard JSON Web Token owasp-jwt-best-practices An endpoint is using JSON Web Tokens (JWT) that do not adhere to best current practices detailed in RFC8725.
API key in URL owasp-no-api-keys-in-url An endpoint is using URL parameters to pass in API keys.
Credentials in URL owasp-no-credentials-in-url An endpoint is using URL parameters to pass in credentials.
Basic HTTP auth owasp-no-http-basic An endpoint is using Basic HTTP authentication.
Missing global security owasp-protection-global-safe An endpoint was found that is not protected by any security scheme.
Missing authentication owasp-protection-global-unsafe-strict An operation is missing authentication.
Missing global security owasp-protection-global-unsafe An endpoint was found that is not protected by any security scheme.
Missing 401 response owasp-define-error-responses-401 An endpoint is missing the definition for a 401 response.
Missing 500 response owasp-define-error-responses-500 An endpoint is missing the definition for a 500 response.
Missing 4xx response owasp-define-error-validation An endpoint is missing the definition for a 4xx response.
Missing array limit owasp-array-limit> An endpoint is returning an array of items without having a specified limit on the maximum number of items that can be returned.
Undefined integer format owasp-integer-format An endpoint is missing format information for an integer parameter.
Legacy integer limit owasp-integer-limit-legacy An endpoint is using legacy limits for an integer parameter.
Undefined integer limit owasp-integer-limit An endpoint is missing limit information for an integer parameter.
Missing 429 response owasp-define-error-responses-429 An endpoint is missing a rate limit response.
Missing retry header owasp-rate-limit-retry-after An endpoint is missing the Retry-After header for 429 responses.
Missing rate limit headers owasp-rate-limit An endpoint is missing rate limit headers in 2xx and 4xx responses.
Undefined string limit owasp-string-limit An endpoint is missing limit information for a string parameter.
Unrestricted string owasp-string-restricted An endpoint is missing restrictions for a string parameter.
Unconstrained additional properties owasp-constrained-additionalProperties An endpoint allows for unconstrained additional properties.
Missing additional properties owasp-no-additionalProperties An endpoint is missing the setting for additional properties.
Insecure host (OAS2) owasp-security-hosts-https-oas2 The host is specified with an insecure protocol (HTTP).
Insecure host (OAS3) owasp-security-hosts-https-oas3 The host is specified with an insecure protocol (HTTP).

To learn how to view findings and understand the information they contain, go to Findings overview.